The Calendar Module integrates with iCal feeds to automatically pull events from most other calendaring programs. The events from an iCal feed will not display on the website until the feed has been assigned to an Event Category.
Website administrators may access the iCal Integration page by clicking the iCal button on the main Calendar Module page. See Permissions for more information on granting admins access to this page.
Events are sync'd hourly between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM CST and once at 12:00 AM CST. See the Live Update section if you need to update the events immediately.
Events from an iCal feed that have an identical description, start date/time and end date/time as an event that already exists in the calendar module will be ignored.
The Actions section has several quick-links to the other sections of the iCal Integration page and other parts of the Calendar Module.
- New iCal Feed: Jumps the admin directly to the Connect iCal Feed section.
- Manage iCal Feeds: Jumps the admin directly to the Manage iCal Feeds section.
- Live Update: Jumps the admin directly to the Live Update section.
- Event Categories: Brings the admin to the Event Categories page.
- Calendar Module: Brings the admin to the main Calendar Module page.
Manage iCal Feeds
The Manage iCal Feeds section allows website administrators to edit, delete, and review existing iCal feeds. This section will be hidden if there are no iCal feeds.
- Select Calendars: Clicking this is equivalent to checking or unchecking each box in the Select column manually. This is only used for deleting feeds.
- Delete Selected Calendars: Removes all of the feeds and the events that had been pulled in by the feeds that are currently selected.
- Select: Toggles whether a feed is selected. This is only used for deleting feeds.
- Feed Name: This is the name given to the iCal feed for internal purposes only, so the feed may stay organized. The Feed Name will not appear anywhere else on the site or be visible to the public. This column contains a button to download/open the raw .ics file from the feed.
- Events: The number of events that have been pulled in by the feed.
- CMS4Schools Event Category: The Event Category that the feed has been assigned to. Unassigned feeds will not appear on the website.
- Action: Allows admins to edit existing iCal feeds. See the Connect iCal Feed section for more information on feed settings.
Connect iCal Feed
The Connect iCal Feed section is used for creating and editing the integration feeds.
- iCal Feed Name: This corresponds with the Feed Name column in the Manage iCal Feeds section.
- Public iCal URL: The URL for the iCal data. This must be a publicly accessible feed.
- CMS4Schools Event Category: This corresponds with the CMS4Schools Event Category column in the Manage iCal Feeds section. Admins may select an existing category, create a new category, or leave the feed unassigned.
- Connect iCal Feed: Saves any changes that have been made to the feed and updates the feed's events.
Live Update
The Live Update section allows website administrators to manually trigger an update for all of the integrated feeds. This section will display a brief report of the number of events that have been pulled in once the update has completed. The report will also contain information about any errors that occurred or duplicate events that were skipped.
In order to access the iCal Integration page, a website administrator must have the "Calendar Admin" and "Add/Edit/Delete Calendar Categories/Locations" boxes checked in the CMS4Schools, Web Site Administrator tab of their user account.