This article gives you an overview of using the page categories to manage pages and links and page content.
The page categories are custom to your site. Page categories are organized into folders for your primary/main navigation and schools/sub-organization/services.
Access Page Categories
In the navigation, (1) select to expand the page category and then (2) select which sub-category you would like to access.
Page Categories
After selecting the desired sub-category, the sub-category page will open allowing you to manage the sub-category.
- Sub-category name
- Breadcrumbs showing where you are in the page categories.
- Page categories dropdown allows quick access to switch between page categories.
- Add a page to the page categories. See the Page Settings article for more information about adding a page to your site.
- Add a link to your site's navigation. See the Link Settings article for more information about adding a link to your site's navigation.
- This area displays the pages & links for the page category as well as additional information for these items. View the Pages section below for more information.
- Search: Use the search area to search for a page or link within the category.
- Name: In the name area the page/link icon, level, and link name and link name display for each item.
- Type: The page icon ()indicates that this is a page. The link icon () indicates that this item is a link.
- Level: Displays if the page is a level 1, level 2, or level 3 page.
Level 2 and level 3 pages will be indented to provide an outline view that makes it easy to visually identify level 2 and 3 pages. - Link Name: Displays the link name for a page/link.
- Index: For each page category, there will be one page that is the index page. This page can't be deleted or moved from the page category. When a navigation item is selected on your site, it will always open to the index page for the category.
- Status: There are two different status indicators for pages.
- Published/Unpublished: Published pages are able to be viewed and searched while unpublished pages are not able to be viewed by any end users or search crawlers.
- Visible/Hidden: Visible pages will show in the navigation while hidden pages will not show in the navigation. Both Visible and Hidden pages have active URLs and can be viewed by end users if they have the URL/link.
- Last Update: Shows the date and time the page was last updated and the user who made the update.
- Edit: Allows you to edit the page content and page settings.
- Content: Select to manage content for the main body and sidebar of a page.
- Settings: Edit the page settings. View the Page Settings article for more information about page settings.
- Actions:
- Delete Page/Link: Delete the page or link.
Note that you will not be able to delete a page without first removing all the content from a page. This is a safety feature to prevent accidental deletion of content. - Preview Page/Link: The preview link will open the page/link in a new tab.
- Review Accessibility: This link will open the page in WAVE (web accessibility evaluation tool). You can use WAVE to verify that the content you added to a page is accessible.
- Permissions: This link will open a window that displays all of the users that have permission to edit the page.
- Delete Page/Link: Delete the page or link.