The Calendar of Events tool is a Main Body tool that is used to display events from the Calendar Module. The Calendar of Events tool can be displayed in a month or list view and can be set up to display all categories or selected categories.
View the Page Content article to learn more about adding a tool and general tool settings.
Edit Tool
Event Settings
- Event Source: If you make use of both Calendar4Schools and the CMS4Schools Calendar Module, you can choose which source of events you would like to display on the page.
Note: You may be more successful if you choose to use one source of events rather than having events on multiple applications. - Categories: You can select to display "All Event Categories" which will display all events from your source or you can choose "Select Event Categories" to indicate which categories of events will display on the page.
Display Settings
- Show Filters for Month, Year, and View: Allows visitors to filter events by date, year as well as changing the view.
- Show Filter for Category: Allows visitors to filter events by category. Visitors can select multiple categories using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
- Show RSS Icon: Show or hide the RSS Icon from the tool.
- Show iCal Icon: Show or hide the iCal Icon from the tool.
- Show PDF/Print Icon: Show or hide the PDF/Print icons from the tool.
- Show Event Category Before the Event Title: Displays the category before the event title.
- Show Keyword Search: When selected, a search box is added above the calendar. This is useful when there are many events listed on the calendar.
- Strikethrough Cancelled rSchool Events: Strikethrough rSchoolToday events from rSchoolToday with a status of "Cancelled", "Postponed", or "Rescheduled to".
- RSS Feed Title: Customize the text users will see on their feed list.
- Default View: Choose either Calendar View (month view) or List View (displays one event per row).
Calendar View Settings
If you set the default view to Calendar View, choose if you would like to Show Event Start Time for events on the page.
List View Settings
If you set the default view to List View, choose the settings specific to this view.
- Default Date Range: Choose if you would like the default view for visitors to be Current Month, All Events, or Date Range.
- Date Range Filters: Choose if you would like visitors to be able to filter events by date range.
Tool Options
Tool Actions
- Edit: Select to edit the tool settings. See the Edit Calendar of Events Tool section above for more information about the tool settings.
- Edit Events: Select to navigate to the Calendar Module to make changes to events.
- Edit Locations: Select to navigate to the Calendar Module Locations to make changes to event locations.
- Edit Categories: Select to navigate to the Calendar Module Categories to make changes to calendar categories.
Tool Content
- Event Categories: Expand to view the source and categories of events that are displaying in the tool.
- Display Settings: Expand to view the display settings set for the tool.