The Links tool is a Main Body tool that will display links in a formatted list. An image and/or description can be displayed with each link.
View the Page Content article to learn more about adding a tool and general tool settings.
Tool Options
Tool Actions
- Add Link: Add a new link to the tool.
- Edit Properties: Edit the properties of the links tool. For user experience, accessibility, and responsiveness, we recommend always using the "Hyperlink the Link Title" display type option.
Tool Content
- Link Name: Displays the link's name.
- Photo: Displays the photo associated with the link.
- Actions:
Edit: Edit the link properties.
Delete: Delete the link from within the Links tool.
Preview: Open the link in a new tab to preview the link.
Add Link
After adding the Links tool the Main Body, select "Add Link" to add a link to the tool. Note that multiple links can be added to the tool.
Required Settings
- Order After: Controls the order of the item added to the tool. By default, the new item will be added to the bottom of the tool.
- Link Name: Enter the link text. This will be the text that displays on the page for the link.
- URL: Paste the URL for your link.
Content Settings
- Image: Drag and drop an image file or select to browse for an image on your device.
- Description: Add an optional description for the item. See the Text Editor article for more information about adding content within the text editor.