When you first log in to CMS4Schools, the dashboard will open. The dashboard displays service update information, profile information, and quick links.
- The menu will display on the left. In this view, the menu is collapsed. Within the menu, you can access page categories, modules, libraries, applications, utilities, support, and user information.
- At the top of the dashboard, your site/organization name will display.
- The service updates section share information the most recent service updates and enhancements as well as information about receiving emails with service updates and instructions for submitting enhancement requests.
- The profile area will display your photo, name, and title.
- The Edit User button will open your user account in the Users Database to allow you to make changes to your account.
- The Staff Site button will open your Faculty Website Administration home page where you can make updates to your faculty website.
- The Quicklinks area displays buttons that allow you to quickly add commonly used items. In this area, you can choose to add a calendar event, add an announcement, add a banner image, and edit staff groups.
- The Connect With Us area allows you to connect with us via social media, sign up to receive our newsletter and/or product updates, and view upcoming webinars.