This article will go through adding a link to your site's navigation and the different settings for pages.
Before adding a link, you will need to navigate to the page sub-category where you would like to add the new link. View the Page Categories article to learn more about page categories and sub-categories.
In the page category, select to Add Link under actions.
Add Link
Required Settings
- Navigation Title: The navigation title appears in the menus and navigation tools on the site.
- Link Address: Add the URL for the link. Check that the URL includes http:// or https:// before the address.
- Browser Window Type: Choose if the link will open in a new window or in the current window. The current window option should be used for linking to pages within your site while the new window option should be used for external pages.
- Sub-Category: This field will populate with the sub-category that you selected to add a page in. You can update this dropdown to move the page to a different sub-category.
- Shows in Navigation after: Use the drop-down to select where in the navigation this page will appear.
- Navigation Level: Select the desired navigation level. Level 1 links are the main pages. Level 2 and 3 links are sub-pages for Level 1 and Level 2 pages respectively.
- Visibility Status: Visible links will show in the navigation while hidden links will not show in the navigation.
Use the Schedule A Status Change button to schedule the link to be visible/hidden on a certain date.