The Banners Library contains all the banners that can be displayed on your site. Banner images appear after your header and before content on interior pages.
The File Library is used to upload and hold files that you would like to display on your website, but they can't be added through a page tool such as the Content Editor (9/2023), Text/Graphic Editor tool, Right Side Text/Graphic tool, Right Side Text/Graphic tool, etc.*
The Template Library can be used to copy all or part of an existing page or to provide a template that can be copied to either the main website area or to faculty pages. Creating a template for faculty pages is an excellent way to have well-planned faculty pages ready for public viewing.
You are able to set tools in your Template Library as Master Content. By setting a tool as Master Content, you are able to copy the tool to multiple pages and update all the pages via the template library master content tool.
The Videos Library connects to Eduvision and allows you to upload videos to Eduvision through your website admin as well as displaying any Eduvision videos on your site using the Embed Audio/Video Tool Video Library option.
*Update 9-2023: the Content Editor tool replaces new instances of the Text/Graphic Editor tools. Note that the Text/Graphic Editor tools will be left on existing sites until the customer replaces or updates them manually to the new Content Editor tool.