The Weekly Email allows you to set up an automated email that will send an automated email containing upcoming events to users and members.
In the Users Database, you can set up your users to receive a weekly email for all or selected categories.
In the Members Module, you can set up users to receive a weekly email for selected categories. Use the Members Database Opt-In Form tool to allow members to sign up for your Members Module and choose if they would like to receive a weekly email and which categories they would like to be included.
Note: If you have the Touch App you may want to turn off the weekly email an encourage your community to download the app to receive upcoming event notifications.
From the main Calendar Module page, click Weekly Email Settings to open the Weekly Email Settings screen.
- Turn off Automated Weekly Email: You are able to turn off the Automated Weekly Email by checking this box.
- Customize Subject Line: Enter a Subject line or leave blank to use the default Subject line
- Email Intro: In the text box, enter the text that will be included at the top of each of these emails
- Include Category: Turn on to include the category title next to the event title
- Send Weekly Email On: Choose from the drop-down list the day you wish the email to be sent
- Number of Event Days to Include in Email: Choose the number of days into the future the list of events should include.
Test Email
- Send Test Email: Select to send a text email.
- Test email: A test email can be generated by supplying an email in the text box
Select Save to save changes and send the test email (if selected).
On the selected day every week approximately at midnight, an email will be generated to all users with a valid email in the Members Database and Users Database who have requested to receive this weekly update.