This article outlines all of the home & landing page design specifications for the Liberty Premium Theme.
Home and Landing Pages
Section 1: Entrance Area
Option 1: Slider
Option 2: Grid
Option 1: Slider
Slide Show on Main Body
- Maximum of 10 slides
- Image Size - 1200px by 445px
- Caption
- Description
- Description/Caption Editor
- 80 characters max
- Button
- Shows if URL is entered in the "Link Address for Image" field.
- Description
- Alt Text
- Will show as a title on hover
Option 2: Grid
Entrance Grid 1 - Large Left: Slide Show on Main
- Maximum of 4 slides
- Image Size - 1200px by 850px
- Caption
- Description
- Description/Caption Editor
- 40 characters max
- Button
- Shows if URL is entered
- Description
- Alt Text
- Will show as a title on hover
Entrance Grid 2 - Long Top: Slide Show on Main
- Maximum of 4 slides
- Image Size - 880px by 420px
- Caption
- No Caption Text
- Button
- Shows if URL is entered
- Alt Text
- Will show as a title on hover
Entrance Grid 3,4, and 5 - Small Square: Slide Show on Main
- Maximum of 4 slides
- Image Size - 440px by 420px
- Caption
- No Caption Text
- Button
- Shows if URL is entered
- Alt Text
- Will show as a title on hover
Entrance Grid 6 - Large Right: Slide Show on Main
- Maximum of 4 slides
- Image Size - 840px by 850px
- Caption
- Description
- Description/Caption Editor
- 40 characters max
- Button
- Shows if URL is entered
- Description
- Alt Text
- Will show as a title on hover
Grid Links: Resources/News Tool on Main
- Maximum of 3 links
- The first 3 active items will show in the order they are in the tool.
- Title
- 40 characters maximum
- Link:
- If a link is added to an item, the item will link to the specified URL.
Section 2
Option 1: Icon Set
Option 2: Flexible Text and Image/Video
Option 1: Icon Set
Resources/News Tool on Main
- Maximum of 4 links
- The items will display in the order they are listed in the tool.
- Resource/News item Title is the image on the button
- Do not change the Resource/News item Title as it is tied to the image used
- Icon Title
- Title Tag Field
- 40 characters max
- Description
- Short Description Field
- 65 characters max
- Section Title
- Tool Heading field
- 20 characters max
- Toggle Active/Inactive
- If the Resources/News tool is set to inactive, the section will not appear.
Option 2: Flexible Text and Image/Video
Text/Graphic Editor & Embed Tool on Main
- Section Title
- Tool Heading of Text/Graphic Editor Tool
- 20 characters max
- Video
- Embed Audio/Video Tool
- If the tool is inactive or empty, the image from the editor will be the default.
- Text
- Text/Graphic Editor
- Image Size - 800px by 445px
- If no video or image, the full editor description text will show.
- Description - 240 characters
- Button
- Add URL to the "Link Address for Image" field to have a button display in this area.
- Add text to the Caption field to change the “Read More” text
- Toggle Active/Inactive
- If the Text/Graphic Editor tool is set to inactive, the section will not appear.
Section 3
Option 1: Announcements
Option 2: Social Feed
Option 1: Announcements
- Announcements: Announcements Tool on Main
- Maximum of 2 announcements
- Title - 50 characters max
- Caption
- With Image - 120 characters max
- Without Image - 240 characters max
- Image Size - 800px by 530px
- View All Link: Resources/News Tool on Main
- First, active link
- Serves as default announcements page
- Section Title
- Tool Heading field of Announcements Tool
- 20 characters max
Option 2: Social Posts
- Facebook
- Connect via Social Media Module
- Social Media Feed Tool on Main
- Twitter
- Provide CMS4Schools with your Twitter URL
- Section Title
- Tool Heading field of Social Media Tool
- 20 characters max
Section 4: Events
- Background Image: Slide Show Tool on Main
- Image Size - 1800px by 860px
- The first, active image will show in the background
- Events: Upcoming Events Tool on Main
- Section Title
- Detail Heading field
- 20 characters max
- Shows up to 5 days with 3 events each day
- Section Title
- View All Events Button: Resources/News Tool on Right
- The first, active link will show a button
- 25 characters max
- Toggle Active/Inactive
- If the Upcoming Events tool is set to inactive or there are no events in the date range, the section will not appear.
Interior Pages & Site-Wide Elements
Banner Image
- 1800px by 290px
Utility Icons
Resources/News Tool on Right
- Maximum of 4 icons
- Title
- Short Description Field
- 20 characters max
- Do not change the link name as it is tied to the icon image. Contact support to add or change the link name of an icon.
Mega-Menu Callouts
Resources/News Tool on Right
- Each active link is associated with the main navigation items in the main navigation order
- Title
- Title field
- 30 characters max
- Description
- Type Settings Description field
- 100 characters max
- The link will surround the entire callout.
Site Search
If the site search tool has a search ID entered, the search will be available site-wide (even for additional landing pages).
Footer Social Icons
Resources/News Tool on Right
- Maximum of 6 icons
- Title Tag Field
- Changes the tag of the icon on hover
- Do not change the link Title as it is tied to the icon image. Contact support to add or change the Title of an icon.
If the translate tool is active, translate will be available site-wide (even for additional landing pages).
Footer Buttons
Resources/News Tool on Right
- Maximum of 3 links
- Title
- 35 characters max
Copyright Links
Resources/News Tool on Right
- Maximum of 3 links
- 30 characters maximum