The Schedule/Settings screen controls additional settings for the list such as scheduling a start and end time, starting the list by telephone, setting the speed, retries, phone numbers to use, and SMS options.
- List Name: Displays the current list name so you know what list you are controlling.
- Remote Dial-in: Enable this feature by checking the checkbox. Once enabled, anyone can follow the steps to launch a particular list from any telephone. This feature is primarily used when you do not have Internet or computer access.
- Pre-Scheduled: Allows you to set the date start and end time for the list to run in the future. The time is based upon your local time zone. When setting the start and end times, you should take into consideration the number of retries and the duration between retries to allow enough time for the list to complete.
- Phone Call Settings
- Number of Retries upon Busy or No Answer: The value is 2 by default which means that the system will try a maximum of 3 times to reach a phone number that returns a busy signal or rings unanswered for 60 seconds.
- Minutes between Retries upon Busy or No Answer: By default, this value is set to 30 minutes. This value is the duration between dial attempts for retrying numbers that return a busy signal or ring unanswered for 60 seconds.
- Dial speed: The default speed is 25 calls per minute. Naturally, this value affects how quickly people are dialed and list completion although this is also affected by the length of the message being transmitted.
- Call Specific Numbers: When this is selected, even if a contact has more than one phone number, the system will only call the numbers selected.
- Call All Numbers: This option will call all phone numbers entered for the contacts.
- Try first and then onward until delivered: When this is selected, it will start with the first number. If the first number doesn’t receive the message, then it will move onto the next number and so on until the message has been delivered.
- Email Settings
- E-mail Subject: When an e-mail notification is sent, the subject line can be adjusted using this field. This is what will show up as the subject line in the recipient’s e-mail client.
- Display E-mail Name as: When an e-mail notification is sent, this is what will show up as the “From” name.
- Display E-mail Address as: This can override the default value of “Notification-Do_Not_Reply Caution must be used if overriding this value as many receiving e-mail servers will flag the message as Spam and therefore the recipients of the e-mail message may not receive the message or the message will be filtered into a Spam box. To override the “” portion, enter a full e-mail address in the field such as “”
- SMS Text Settings: This selects which phone numbers text messages will be delivered to. By default, Phone 2 and Phone are selected as they are commonly cell phones. Phone 1 is not selected because that is commonly a home phone number that can not receive a text message. Text messages will only be delivered if the “SMS Text” option is selected from the “Create Message” page.
- Automatically e-mail dial reports: If selected, the system will send the recipient a copy of the dial report to the e-mail address specified once the dial is complete. Multiple e-mail addresses can be entered by separating each address with a comma.
- Portal for recipients to update contact information: This is a special feature that can allow contacts to update their phone numbers or e-mail addresses. Please contact BrightArrow Technologies for assistance with this feature.
- Phones and e-mails to receive CC upon each message sent: This is a special feature that allows an administrator to receive a phone call and/or e-mail message each time a message is sent out to a dial list. This can be used by the list owner or administrator to confirm that the message was delivered.
- List Management and Protections: This option works in conjunction with User Accounts. The list can be assigned an owner. When a list is assigned an owner, only the admin account and the list owner can access the list. Other user accounts can not access or view the list.
Note: Lists can only be assigned to one user account. Regardless of list ownership, the admin account will always have access to all lists.