App Login
When users first open the app, they will see the option to log in to the app.
- Login: They will log in to the app using their account information. If users aren't aware of their account information, an Administrator can send invites out or reset password emails. These emails will come from Be sure to whitelist this email address within your email domain or each individual should add this to their contacts so that they can successfully receive these emails.
- Register: As an organization, you can choose if you control user registration or if you allow users to register to create an account from within the app.
- Skip: If users Skip the login, they will not be able to see any restricted content.
My Profile
After logging in, users can access My Profile to view and update their profile information.
If a user has Skipped the login, selecting My Profile will prompt them to LOGIN.
- Picture: The user can choose to add/update their picture.
- Name: The user can choose to update their First and Last Name.
- Role: This will display the role. Users will not be able to change their role.
- Update Profile: Save any changes made to the profile.
- Change Password: Users will be able to change their password.
- Log Out: Allows users to log out of the app. Users will need to scroll down to see the option to log out of the app.
In My Profile, users can select the Settings option to set their availability in Conversations. This is the time that they will receive notifications from Conversations. If they don't have any days selected, they will always be available and receive notifications.