Both Apple and Google have put in place simple processes to transfer an app from one developer to another. Please follow the instructions below at your earliest convenience to initiate the process. Once you’ve done so, our development team will be able to accept the transfers and publish updates to the existing apps.
Apple App Store
In the App Store Connect > Select the App > App Information > Transfer App
If the app is currently in your developer account, there is no need to transfer it. If it is not currently in your account, please have your current app manager transfer the app to your account once the account has been established.
You’ll see a checklist of conditions that must be met. If all are met, then you’ll be able to select Continue and you’ll be prompted to put in the following information.
- Recipient’s Team Agent Apple ID:
- Team ID: AEB35YF4K9
Select Continue and you’ll be presented with an Application Transfer Agreement. Scroll to the bottom and select ‘I have read and agree to the terms presented above.’ and then Request Transfer.
That’s it on your end, our development team will take it from there.
Google Play
Go to the Play Console Help > Transfer apps to a different developer account article for a checklist of instructions and information regarding transferring an app.
Use this form to request an app transfer.
You’ll need the following information about your original android developer account:
- Original account email address
- Transaction ID for the original account’s Developer Console registration
(Available through your Google Payments dashboard) - App and package names you want to transfer
You’ll need the following information for our developer account as the ‘Target’ account:
- Developer name for your target account: AIS Developers, LLC
- Target account email address:
Transaction ID for the target account’s Developer Console registration:
Complete the form with the above info and select Submit.
Additionally, please send us the Android KeyStore, KeyStore Password, Key Alias, and Key Password for the original app. We will need to have the KeyStore and related credentials to be able to publish updates.
Once this form is complete, the app will transfer in 24-48 hours.