Secured Access is a privacy feature that allows you to target users based on roles and lists you build within the app. Users will need to be logged in to the app for their role to be recognized. You'll be able to target content such as documents, forms, push notifications, and more to specific users. With targeted content, only users with the correct role/list will see the content.
Dashboard Accounts
Any user that has a Dashboard account, will have access to secured access. These users will be able to log in to the app with the same credentials as their App Dashboard to see restricted information.
Users with Administrator permissions will have the role of Administrator.
Users with Teacher permissions will have the role of Teacher.
App Accounts
Add Accounts
- Click “+New”
- Enter first name, last name, email, and role. - Check “Lock Profile” to keep users from editing their name and email and “Lock Role” to keep users from editing their role.
- Click “Create Accounts”
Import Accounts
Click “Import” at the top of the page to the right of “App Accounts (Secured Access)”
Click “Drag an Excel file or click here to browse” to attach file
Select Organization and Role
Choose preferred Invite Email Settings
Click “Continue”
Locking an Account
- Under "Accounts", click "App (Secured Access)"
- Click of the Pen (Edit) Button to the right of the desired account
- If box 1 is checked, the user won't be able to change First Name or Last Name in the app.
- If box 2 is checked, the user won't be able to change this role under "My Profile"
Target Lists
You can create target lists to target users/visitors outside of their roles.