The Emergency Alert Category and Emergency Banner are controlled by adding an announcement to the Alerts & News Module in the news category that is designated the Emergency Alert Category.
When an active announcement has been added to the Emergency Alert Category, the alert will show at the top of every page. Only the most current alert in the designated Emergency Alert Category will be displayed on the site as only 1 Emergency Alert can display at a time.
Add Emergency Alert Category
In the Alerts & News Module, navigate to the Categories screen and select the Add Category option to open the Add News Category screen.
- Category Name: Enter the category name for the new news category
Emergency Alert Category: Select to designate the category as the Emergency Alert category.
Note: Only one news category can be designated as an Emergency Alert Category. Once a category has been designated as an Emergency Alert, this option will be unavailable for all other categories.
Add Emergency Alert News
In the Alerts & News Module, select to Add News.
Required Settings
- Category: Select the category that has been designated as the Emergency Alert Category.
- Title: Add the text that you would like to display in the Emergency Banner. Note that the Emergency Banner will display a maximum of 50 characters. If your title is longer than 50 characters, an ellipsis (...) will display.
- Sort Priority: select the alerts priority. Only one item from an Emergency Alert Category can be displayed at a time. If Multiple alerts are scheduled for overlapping times, the highest priority alert will appear on the Emergency Banner. In the same instance, if the items have the same priority selected, the most recently added alert will appear on the Emergency banner.
Start Date & Time: Set a Start Date and Start Time of when you would like the alert to start displaying on your website.
Note if you have an app this is the date/time the new item will be created and the push notification sent if applicable. -
End Date & Time: Set an End Date and EndTime of when you would like the alert to stop displaying on your website.
Note if you have an app this is the date/time the new item will stop displaying in the app as well. - News: Type in or copy and paste the announcement in this text area. Note that if you are pasting always use the Paste as Plain Text or Paste from Word tools to remove any outside formatting that could interfere with your website design. You can use the tools on the editor to format the text. Please see the Text Editor article for more information about formatting.
- Link Address for Image: If a URL is added to this field, a Read More link will appear on the expanded Emergency Alert Banner.
- Browser Window Type: Select New Window or Current Window. The current window option should be used for linking to pages within your site while the new window option should be used for external pages.
Emergency Alert Banner Display
The Emergency Alert Banner will display at the top of every webpage.
- Emergency Alert announcement title.
- Select the arrow to expand the emergency alert banner.
Expanded Emergency Alert Banner
- Emergency Alert news title.
- Emergency Alert news text.
- The Read More link will navigate to the alerts Link Graphic To URL.