For each pathway, there will be a page that contains the following content. You are able to edit this content to reflect specific information for your organization such as specific jobs in demand.
- The introductory content about the pathway is in a Text/Graphic Editor tool that you can select to update.
- Each primary pathway will have content that is built with the following tools
- Text/Graphic Editor: Tool Heading displays the Primary Pathway name.
The tool content displays the description, jobs in demand, and associated image.- View the Pathways: Regional Career Pathways Logo article for information about adding a resource link to the logo or removing the logo.
- Resource/News: Tool heading set to Next Ten Years by default. The Job Growth, New Job Openings, and Source content items can be updated as needed.
- Resource/News: Tool heading set to Annual Salary Range by default. The Entry-Level, Average, Experienced, and Source content items can be updated as needed.
- Text/Graphic Editor: Tool Heading displays the Primary Pathway name.
- Pathway Specific Courses will populate based on the courses added to your ACP Courses Library. The ACP Courses tool listing courses specific to the page's pathway.