Any alerts & news categories that are synced with your app will automatically create new categories within your app. Announcements will be synced to your app every 5 minutes once they are added to the app configuration.
Uses can choose to subscribe/unsubscribe to news categories in My Alerts.
Access Categories
- Click “News”
- Click “Settings”
- Click “Categories”
Create/Edit Category
- Click the “+New” button or select the Edit pencil next to the category you would like to edit.
- Enter the desired Category name
- Upload an icon image (use your own or use the library). This is the image that will appear as part of the news items in this category.
To allow users to be automatically be opted in for category keep “Opt-in new users by default” box checked. If unchecked, users will manually go to “My Alerts” and opt-in for this category.