After creating a scholarship, you can add/manage attachments by selecting Attachments in the Action dropdown.
Add Attachment
If this is the first attachment for the scholarship, the add attachment screen will open.
- Position After: Controls the order of the attachment added to the tool. By default, the new item will be added to the top of the tool.
- Attachment Title: Enter a title for the attachment. This will be the text used to link to the attachment. For accessibility, this text should be descriptive of the attachment (ex. application).
- Type: Select the type of attachment you would like to add.
- Upload File: Upload and link to a file.
- Website Link: This will create a link to the specified URL.
- Text: This item will display as text only.
Manage Attachments
- Add Attachment: Add an attachment to the top or bottom of the list of attachments.
- Back to Scholarships: Navigate back to the Scholarships Module.
- Displays the scholarship name.
- Displays the scholarship category.
- Show # Entries: By default, 10 scholarships will display on each page. You can update this to display 10, 25, 50, or 100 scholarships per page.
- Search: Use the search area to search for a scholarship.
- Title: Displays the title of the attachment and indicates the type of attachment (File, Link or Text).
- Position: Use the arrows to adjust the order/position of the attachments.
- Actions:
- Edit: Edit the attachment.
- Insert New After: Insert a new attachment after the selected attachment.
- Delete: Permanently delete the attachment.
- View: View the attachment in a new tab.
Use the previous, next, and page options at the bottom of the tables to navigate through the pages.